Photos and Daguerreotypes

Collection Metadata

Dublin Core


Photos and Daguerreotypes


This collection comprises the photos and daguerreotypes drawn from the Loewentheil Collection of African-American Photographs within the Johnson Museum of Art and the Library of Congress. These photographs were chosen in order to facilitate a conversation about various concepts including, but not limited to: modes of attribution, the significance of photos has primary objects, and the interrelationship between suffrage, representation, race, and gender. Included within this collection are the various photographs of both known and unknown African American women collectively situated alongside each other. These images also bring forward an examination of the significance of portraiture as a mode of communication and advertisement. What can the photographic images of the women, both known and unknown, say about the historical representation of Black women in the late-Nineteenth century?


Loewentheil Collection of African-American Photographs


Catherine Rucker, Victoria Baugh

IIIF Collection Metadata


  • Collection: Photos and Daguerreotypes
georgia loche.jpg

H. Baumgarten Late 19th century
young woman, darby.jpg

Darby Studios Late 19th Century

Unknown photographer 1864
Portrait of a woman.jpg

Thatcher's Portraits c. 1860s